The school asks parents to supply the following uniform:
- dark grey/black skirt or trousers
- red/white blouse or polo shirt
- red school sweatshirt with logo
- red gingham dress for summer
- black shoes
- dark grey/black school trousers
- dark grey/black school shorts for summer
- red/white shirt or polo shirt
- red school sweatshirt with logo
- black shoes
PE kit
- black shorts
- white T-shirt
- plimsolls for indoors and trainers for outdoors
- plain black track suit or plain black jogging bottoms/leggings with black sweatshirt/hoddie
- clearly labelled PE bag to keep on peg
If you have any queries regarding the uniform, please contact school.
The sweatshirts can be obtained from:
Uniforms Direct Ltd
Unit B, Handley Court
Elvington Industrial Estate
YO41 4AR
Makeup and Nail Varnish is not permitted under any circumstances.
For safety reasons, children are not permitted to wear jewellery, other than small studs in pierced ears. Children with pierced ears should wear studs for the first six weeks after the piercing and these should be taped over and a written disclaimer provided, for PE. Watches and studs must be removed for P.E.